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27 Des 2011 | 23.13 | 2Comment

Hi everybody!

Tomorrow, I went to the Mall with my Mom and sister. Tadinya kita mau jalan-jalan ke Yellow Monkey Fun Park, tapi ternyata tutup karena tanggal merah :(

My mom bought me a T-Shirt and a veil. The T-shirt is so cool, it drawn ten Buckingham Palace guards (I'm not sure about the name). But it's very cute! Check this out:

And, my mother bought me a veil. It's so unique, in Indonesia named "Jilbab-siang-malam". Soalnya jilbabnya bisa di bolak-balik. Di sisi depan gambarnya bunga, di baliknya bermotic kotak-kotak. Must have!
Oh ya, the outfits that I wore to the Mall is, a red T-shirt. Polka dots long skirt. Ah, I love that skirt, because I love vintage outfits. And then I wore a black veil, black sandals, also a cute silver minibag from Aceh. My Mom gave it to me yesterday. Yay! Check this out ;)

I think it's enough for this post, keep in touch and...


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Blogger Intan S mengatakan...

cute shirt :D


Blogger Agnia Gama Priviyanti mengatakan...

hehe thank you :D


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