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Lost At Sea
![]() 9 Sep 2014 | 01.27 | 0Comment ![]() "Lets get lost at sea. Where they will never find us. Got stars at night to guide us", - Zedd, Lost At Sea
Hi folks!
It has been a year since the last time I update a new post. I'm apologizing for that because 2013 was really a busy year. Why? I studied hard for my final exam and I graduated from highschool at May 2013! Also I studied for entrance test for the Uni that I want. But pity me, I couldn't pass them all. So, I went to one of Private Uni in Jakarta, named Binus University. And also I took Architecture as my major, so my first year as a freshmen was really really busy.
I've been in holiday since july, and spent it at my hometown, Lombok. I got 2,5 month for the past semester break. That's quiet long holiday huh. Tapi ga terasa sekarang udah september aja. Rasanya cepet banget. Belum pingin balik ke perantauan T_T
Lombok is located near Bali island, Indonesia Banyak yang belum tahu Lombok itu dimana. Bahkan mereka ga tau ibu kota Nusa Tenggara Barat apa. Pengalaman tinggal di Jakarta banyak yang mengira Lombok itu terpencil banget. Yah padahal ga gitu-gitu amat...........gue udah tinggal di Lombok dari lahir bre, kalau umur sekarang 19, berarti udah 18 tahun tinggal di Lombok.
Bali is famous for its beach life, but do you know Lombok also has many beautiful beach as gorgeous as Bali. Oh no! Even better than that!
Let me share my experience visited Gili Nanggu, Sekotong, West Lombok. Gili means a small island. There're many Gilis, the famous one also the largest one is Gili Trawangan. Dari kota Mataram kira-kira butuh waktu kurang lebih 2 jam ke Sekotong, naik mobil tentunya. Setelah sampai Sekotong naik kapal untuk menyebrang ke Gili Nanggu, kira-kira 15 menit.
Setelah sampai disana bisa langsung menikmati keindahan Gili Nanggu. Pasirnya putih lembut, suasananya teduh karena banyak pohon-pohon. Air lautnya biru kehijauan. Tapi waktu gue dateng kesana anginnya lagi kencang banget. Dan saat pulang sekitar jam 4 sore, air lautnya surut drastis.
We can snorkeling there. Many Local people in Sekotong rent their Snorkeling equiptment for Rp. 75.000. You get a mask, a snorkel, and a pair of foot fins. Disana banyak ikan-ikan kecil yang lucu, serta terumbu karang yang cantik. Sayangnya gue ga punya Underwater Camera jadi ngga bisa kasih liat fotonya.
Itu dia beberapa foto di Gili Nanggu. Semoga bisa memotivasi kalian buat liburan di Lombok yaaa. Come on visit Lombok ^^
Regards, Agi |
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